
Name Gnomonic
GeoTIFF Code CT_Gnomonic (19)
OGC WKT Name Gnomonic
Supported By GeoTIFF, PROJ.4

Projection Parameters

Name EPSG # GeoTIFF ID OGC WKT Units Notes
Latitude of projection center 1 ProjCenterLat latitude_of_origin Angular
Longitude of projection center 2 ProjCenterLong central_meridian Angular
False Easting 6 FalseEasting false_easting Linear
False Northing 7 FalseNorthing false_northing Linear


I get slightly different results from PROJ.4, and PCI (GCTP)'s results as noted in Random Issues.

PROJ.4 Organization

  +proj=gnom  +lat_0=Latitude at projection center 
              +lon_0=Longitude at projection center
              +x_0=False Easting
              +y_0=False Northing