Rosenmund Oblique Mercator

Name Rosenmund Oblique Mercator
GeoTIFF Code CT_ObliqueMercator_Rosenmund (5)
Supported By GeoTIFF

Projection Parameters

Name EPSG # GeoTIFF ID Units Notes
Latitude of projection center 1 CenterLat Angular
Longitude of projection center 2 CenterLong Angular
Azimuth of initial line 3 AzimuthAngle Angular
Angle from Rectified to Skew Grid 4 (missing in GeoTIFF) Angular
Scale factor on initial line 5 ScaleAtCenter Unitless
Easting at projection center 6 FalseEasting Linear As far as I know this is just a normal false easting despite the different EPSG name.
Northing at projection center 7 FalseNorthing Linear As far as I know this is just a normal false northing despite the different EPSG name.


I don't really know anything about this projection ... just assumed to be similar to Oblique Mercator in terms of parameters. There is no defined support for this in OGC WKT.